Thursday, September 17, 2015

Murder in the City - The Avett Brothers

This was one of the very first songs from The Avett Brothers that I heard. Little did I know the impact this song would have on my life. I have always been a sucker for a good depressing song. You know the type, pretty much any music my wife doesn't like. 

Anyways a few years back when my Uncle Keith overdosed on pain pills (that's a whole other post) my Dad was assembling the memorial videos for his funeral and I recalled this song and sent it to him. Needless to say, this song kind of became our families go to remembrance song. I however, do no longer see it in this light. 

The second verse of the song has really struck a chord with me since my boys were born. It goes...
     I wonder which brother is better
     which one our parents love the most
     I sure did get in lots of trouble
     They seemed to let the other go 
     A tear fell from my Father's eye
     I wondered what my Dad would say 
     He said,
     "I love you & am proud of you both
      In so many different ways" 

Two sons, so very different. I can't wait to see all the things they do in life and hope that I can be a positive guiding influence to them. 

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